


# SEER形式のデモデータ作成
seerdata <- write.SeerStat(SEER2RTestData1, DICfileName = "testdata1.dic")

# SEERデータの読込とデータ仕様の表示
d <- read.SeerStat("testdata1.dic")
attr(d, "DICInfo")
## $SystemInfo
##     ItemNameInDic
## 1 Output filename
## 2 Matrix filename
## 3   Database name
##                                                                                                                                                        ItemValueInDic
## 1                                                                                                                                                       testdata1.txt
## 2                                                                     E:\\work\\papers\\finished\\PackageReadWriteSEER\\Coding\\backup\\Data\\TestMultiPageColRow.sim
## 3 Incidence - SEER 9 Regs Research Data, Nov 2010 Sub (1973-2008) <Katrina/Rita Population Adjustment> - Linked To County Attributes - Total U.S., 1969-2009 Counties
## $SessionOptionInfo
##     ItemNameInDic ItemValueInDic
## 1            Type           Rate
## 2 RatesAsCasesPer         100000
## $ExportOptionInfo
##                      ItemNameInDic ItemValueInDic
## 1                          GZipped          false
## 2                  Variable format   quotedlabels
## 3                      File format    DOS/Windows
## 4                  Field delimiter          comma
## 5                Missing character         period
## 6  Fields with delimiter in quotes          false
## 7      Remove thousands separators           true
## 8                   Flags included          false
## 9          Variable names included           true
## 10       Column Variables as Stats          false
## $VarAllInfo
##    ItemNameInDic                        ItemValueInDic
## 1       Var1Name                   State-county : Test
## 2       Var1Base                          State-county
## 3  Var1Dimension                                  Page
## 4       Var2Name                                   Sex
## 5  Var2Dimension                                  Page
## 6       Var3Name                             1998-2008
## 7       Var3Base                     Year of diagnosis
## 8  Var3Dimension                                   Row
## 9       Var4Name                          Site( Test *
## 10      Var4Base Site rec with Kaposi and mesothelioma
## 11 Var4Dimension                                Column
## 12      Var5Name                     Age-Adjusted Rate
## 13      Var6Name                                 Count
## 14      Var7Name                            Population
## $VarFormatSecList
## list()
## $UseVarLabelsInData
## [1] TRUE